1 Day
No Set
7 Days+
No Set
30 Days+
Artist Liz Climo has charmed her fans with her comic world of whimsical animal characters, where everyone from grizzly bears, dinosaurs, rabbits, and anteaters grapple with everyday life with wit and humor. Through her comics, we discover that an armadillo can dress for Halloween, a dinosaur can be a loving parent ... and a rhino can squeeze orange juice! This new collection features more than 100 of her comics, starring her beloved characters in all kinds of funny situations, from celebrating h
Pick-up Location
How it works

1. Select Dates
Borobear lists all items that are available to borrow and rent in your area.

2. Send a request
Did you find what you were looking for? Send a message to the owner with your request to borrow or rent his or her product!

3. Confirm the transaction
Discuss the details (such as pickup/return time and location) and make a proposal. Your payment is charged only if the deal goes through.

4. Get the item
Receive your item thru meetup or postage, check everything and take a timestamp photo for prove.

5. Return the item
Return item in its original conditions. Owner will check everything and take a timestamp photo for its return condition for prove.

6. Review each other
Build trustworthy profile, reviews on both Owner and Borrower.
/ daySunMonTueWedThuFriSat
RM x 1day
Service Fee